Thor’s Hammer 2

I was finally able to put Thor’s hammer together. Yay! I liked Thor Ragnarok. It was supper funny and the best of the Thor movies. Thor’s hammer will be finished hopefully this summer. Materials: Everything from pt 1. Tape Glue gun Elmers glue Start taping the edges together. This will Read more…

Loki Shawl pt2

Yay! It’s done! After a being Loki’d a lot during this project it is nice to have this finished. With the weather turning colder, I was able to wear it a few times. So I just followed the pattern. If you want to find the first part click here. I Read more…

The Winter Sweater

So yes, one of my favorite Marvel characters is The Winter Soldier. I can’t help it. Thankfully, I’m not obsessed (too much) with him. Last year I was looking for a fun project and settled on making a Winter Soldier sweater. I call it the Winter Sweater. I used this Read more…