This scarf took me 6 months to knit. I started in October and finished in April this last year. Why has it been so long for me to post this? Well I didn’t get around to the costume photoshoot.

The pattern is from the 4th Doctor in the classic Doctor Who series. The pattern is also public use. It is a simple pattern to find. Some of the colors I used were not exactly like the original scarf.


  • Red heart yarn in:
    • Sunflower yellow
    • Hunter green
    • Dark red
    • Plumb, though I used a brighter purple
    • Tan
    • Brown
    • Dark Grey
  • Size 8 knitting needles
  • A few months
  • Knitting counter app ( I use BeeCounter)

Here are photos of my progress. Mostly it’s just following the pattern and keeping track of the colors.

This is how long it is. I’m close to the hight of Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor. Yes I am wearing Converse. Converse are cool.