I was able to finish this back in February and actually wore it a few times. And I’m late again posting about it.

This pattern is inspired by a sweater Bella wears in Twilight. I knitted this sweater more for the style then for anything to do with Twilight. The pattern can be found here. I made my sweater using the medium size instructions.


  • Wool or acrylic yarn
  • Size 7 round and double sided knitting needles
  • Size 8 round and double sided knitting needles
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Stitch holders
  • 6 buttons

To start off, I do have some notes on things that I found confusing. I will be putting those notes where I had problems. The pattern is also constructed to where you can check off each row.

Notes before beginning: Make sure you have enough yarn or can get more easily. Don’t be like me and run out of discontinued wool yarn.

The pattern starts off with the sleeves. I used the double sided size 7 knitting needles to work the ribbing on both sleeves.

After the ribbing, I used the size 8 double sided knitting needles. The sleeves grow very fast very quickly.

It didn’t take me too long to finish both sleeves and put the remaining stitches on stitch holders.

After the sleeves the body is worked in one piece.

When it comes to the button holes, I did something different than what the pattern says. on rows 12, 36, 64,90, 113, 138 (Where the buttons are placed). Over 20 stitches, I did the following: knit 3, bound off 4, knit 6, bound off 4, knit 3. Then the next row: purl 3, cast on 4, purl 6, cast on 4, purl 3. I preferred this method to the one in the pattern.

Note: I also made the holes on the opposite side of what was written. This can be changed by referencing page 9 for where the buttons are placed.

On the pockets, the pattern doesn’t make this very clear, but the right side pocket, left side pocket and behind the pockets and accost the back are all worked separately.

The main part of the body to the start of the shoulders is fairly easy to do. No challenges, just a lot of knitting.

On the shoulders, the top of the sleeves are knit onto the body, except for the underarm stitches. Then for the most part it’s decreasing to shape the shoulders.

Next is the hood. This is knit up from the shoulders.

After the hood the brim for the hood and the tie are knit separate and sewn on.

Then finishing up. I ended up doing some of this before the hood brim, due to running short on yarn.

And after finishing up, I blocked it on cardboard. I love the ombre order I sewed the buttons on.

I can’t wait to wear it again this winter. Its warm enough to wear in Pacific Northwestern winters.

Categories: Knit