For my eventual 11th Doctor cosplay, I wanted to add a fez to my outfit. Though mine ended up quite tall, I think it looks close to the fez that the 11th Doctor wears.

There are many patterns when it comes to crocheting or knitting a fez. I used this pattern. But here is another.


  • Red yarn
  • a G or H crochet hook
  • a row marker (I used a safety pin)

To start off, I followed the pattern and increased 8 rows around. So the last increase row was *sc 6, inc*.

Then from there I just crocheted around until it was the height I wanted. Just crocheting as normal causes the fez to go downward giving it height.

My fez is just over 6 inches tall, which is a bit taller than the second pattern calls for.

And I couldn’t help taking a photoshoot with my TARDIS coin bank and River Song journal.