Captain Marvel is one of the newest Marvel movies. And in due fashion, I had to make her beanie.

Like the other Marvel beanies, I use a basic beanie pattern. For the pattern, click here.


  • Size 7 double sided needles
  • Size 8 double sided needles
  • Size H crochet hook
  • Dark blue yarn
  • Gold yarn
  • Red yarn
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch marker

To start out, case on in blue and start on rib. Follow the pattern, the ribbing should be 4 inches long.

Switching to the larger needles, knit with the gold for 6 complete rounds.

After the gold, knit 3 rows in red. Then knit 6 rows in gold again. This makes it look like the band on Captain Marvel’s outfit

Change back to red. Use the red to finish up the top of the beanie.

For the star: use gold and size H crochet hook.

  1. Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch. Work in rounds. -6
  2. 2 sc in every st. -12
  3. *Sc 1, 2 sc in next st* repeat around -18
  4. *Sc 2, 2 sc in next st* repeat around. Sl st in first st -24
  5. * Ch 5, sc in next ch, hdc, dc, then tr in last ch, skip 2 sc and sl st in 3rd st* for long point.
  6. *Ch 4, sc in next ch, hdc, and dc in last ch, skip 1 sc and sl st in next st* for short points.
  7. Make points: long, short, long, short, long, short, long, short. Slip stitch in beginning st.

Sew the star on to the beanie. It should sit on the gold, red, gold bands. Weave in all ends.

And there it is. Captain Marvel at her finest. Comment if you want to see any Marvel or DC character inspired beanie!

Categories: KnitMarvel