So as I’m in the middle of a few projects and have yet to get pictures of others, here is a guide to balancing multiple projects. These I do to not be overwhelmed but able to work many different projects at one time.

Work on one large project at a time.

If you are working on more than one larger project, like a sweater or a blanket or something that is physically large and or complex, it doesn’t take long for one of your projects to be dropped.

I usually only work on one large project at a time. This is because it does take a lot of time to work on. Working on only one large project at a time allows you to focus on that project. This will insure that it actually gets finished.

I know this is sometimes super hard to do. I constantly want to work on more than one big project at a time. But if I only work on one at a time, it goes quicker.

Medium projects are nice.

In addition to one large project at a time, I have a medium project going at the same time. Medium projects are ones that take longer that 2-3 days of working 1-3 hours on it per day. They also don’t take up as much space as a large project.

These are projects that can be worked on while on a long drive (with someone else behind the wheel) without having to worry too much about pattern or running out of yarn.

I usually have 1-2 of these projects going on. My Avengers Beanies could be considered medium projects. I am able to knit these in a few weeks while only working on them about 4 hours a week.

Small projects a plenty

So with small projects, or projects that can be done in a few hours, I know I’m guilty of having a lot. I use small projects as a break from my larger project or just something fun to do. Sometimes its just fun to crochet a flower with a small ball of yarn.

These are good to use to expand creativity and possibly learn something new without committing to a larger project.

Long-term projects

Long-term projects are something I work on between projects. I would usually not recommend them. This is because they are easily forgotten about and can get boring.

That said, I currently have one that I occasionally work on. It doesn’t need to be done for a while so, I work on it when I need something not to complex to do during class or just as an in between project.

With long-term projects, they can take longer because they don’t have to be finished as soon as possible.

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