So this is much different than anything I have posted here before. However, this is something that I hope you will enjoy.

For one of my classes, I have to make a 3D project based on the word Color. This is what I came up with. I used this pattern.


  • A piece of wood with a hole in it
  • Any medium size yarn 
  • Size G crochet hook
  • Fiberfill 

Sand the wood until smooth. I found a beautiful piece of wood with a unique hole.

So I forgot to take pictures of the beginning of the ammonite. It is done flat back and forth. 

This is how it looks like when it is sewn up and wrapped the hole.

This is a test of how it fits in the hole of my piece of wood.

This is how it looks when I got farther along with the ammonite. It looks like a tentacle. I may have to make something like this in the future. So stay tuned.

Here it is all sewn up. This is the full ammonite or a far as I was going for this project. I stuffed this up until it was thick. I should make a garden of theses.

After I finished the cap piece, which I forgot to take pictures of, I tested how to spiral through the hole. 

Sew up the spiral on one side. I made my seam invisible. Sorry about my finger in the shot.

So I also forgot to get a picture of the underside of the wood. I drilled 4 holes and sewed the end cap to the wood.

Here it is all done. I really want to make a pillow using this pattern. I think I will do that soon.

Categories: Crochet