Sorry it’s been a while. Things are insane as usual. But here is a recant fun addition to my superhero hat collection. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero. Sure I like Captain America, but Spider-Man is the best. And Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, in my opinion, is the best.

This hat is like the other ones I’ve made. The pattern for the hat is here and the spider is here. The Captain America hat can be found here and the Winter Soldier is here.


  • Size 6 double sided knitting needles, 4 needles
  • Size 7 double sided knitting needles, 5 needles
  • Size G crochet hook
  • Red yarn
  • Dark blue yarn
  • Black yarn
  • A yarn needle for sewing the webbing and spider on

Follow the pattern on for the hat.

I started off with blue. I should have used this color for the Captain America hat, but oh well.

Make sure to check how long it is every once and a while.

Once the ribbing is done start on the red yarn.

Here is the inside after a few rounds.

And watch it grow. This is a quick hat if you are sitting in the car on a long car ride.

When it reaches 7inches start decreasing.

Finish it off nice. The colors look great together.

Crochet the spider. Make sure to leave a long tail to sew it on.

Working on the webbing. Sew up and down from the center of the hat. Make sure the line is straight and full.

This is the 4 sides.

This is the top of the webbing.

Start on the cross section of the webbing. I went over it twice.

This is the extent of the webbing I did.

Sew the spider to the side of the hat.

I sewed one leg at a time.

The spider is on the hat. Perfect for Spider-Man.

Here is my hat all finished. I think this is the best hat out of the three.

I can’t wait to wear it this winter. If you are knitting a Spiderman hat, please send me pictures.

Categories: KnitMarvel