Finally, I was able to finish the Ray sweater. My roommate is super happy to have this sweater. I can’t wait to get pictures of her in it. In general, I need to take pictures of these.

The arm bands are super fast. The pattern for them is on the vest pdf. My post on the vest can be found here.


  • The same gray used in the Ray sweater
  • Double sided needles
  • Tape measure
  • Stitch marker (Optional)

Start out using 2 double sided needles. When it measures the right length, join it into a circle and use all 4 double sided needles. Divide the stitches between 3 needles.

Follow the pattern while knitting without increasing for the required length. Then start to increase. Keep track of the numbers of rounds you work and when you increase. I use a pencil and the printed out pattern page.

This is how long it should be when the increasing is done. Continue knitting around following the pattern until it reaches 20 inches.

Sorry I don’t have more pictures. Life has been super busy finishing up this semester of school. Hopefully I can post again in 2 weeks. Look out for some fun knits/crochets coming up.

Categories: KnitStar Wars