Finally, Star Wars has made it to one of my posts! My roommate loves Star Wars. Her favorite character is Ray, and she has been trying to put a casual Ray cosplay together. While browsing Pintertrist, I found a pattern for Ray’s sweater.


It took a while to knit (that’s why I haven’t posted in a while). I hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I have. The pattern is free and you can get it here.


  • 10oz of light grey yarn ( for just the vest part)
  • Size 8 circular needles
  • Size 8 double sided needles
  • Size 8 straight needles (on the short side)
  • Cable Needle
  • Stitch markers

To start off with, following the pattern, cast on to the round needles.

The first round looks a bit odd following the provided stitch pattern and the faux seams.

But as pattern gets a bit longer, it looks better.

Here it is after a few moreĀ  inches. Follow the instructions for the shaping.

Working back and forth it becomes easy.

When the pattern calls for the moving of the seam on page 3 make sure look at page 4 under the heading Shaping at faux back seams. This part is to be worked at the same time as the general side shaping.

I didn’t follow those instructions due to not seeing them. This is what I ended up doing instead. It worked out fine, but is not as smooth as it could be.

Continue knitting making sure to follow the instructions. The sweater grew longer very fast.

Here is how my faux back seams turned out. Not the best, but it works.


This shows how choppy it is. Ugh it’s fine.

Here is the back before I started the shoulder shaping.

Here is the back side.

Here is a close up of the stitching. The texture looks so cool.

Here is the shoulder shaping. I just followed the chart on pages 6 and 7.

Here is a close up of the cables. It’s not the ornate cabling like on other sweaters, but it is interesting. This is not hard.

Here is left shoulder. This will be attached to the back. I knitted it using a shorter knitting needle rather than using a pair circular needles.

Here is the back of the vest. It it well on one of the straight needles I have, so I used that.

Here it is much farther along. Honestly, this vest gains length very easy.

So apparently I forgot to get pictures of the shoulders finished and sewn together. This is from when I was working on the collar of the vest. I used a long straight needle set to work back and forth after picking up stitches from the vest top edge.

And here it is about 4 inches later. Make sure to continue the stitch pattern for the collar.

After this bind off. I put this in the washer to clean it. Let it air dry and try to block it if possible. And now the vest part is done. Just the arm bands to do.

Categories: KnitStar Wars