Nightwing happens to be my best friend’s favorite superhero. For fun I decided to knit her a Nightwing sweater based on one of his older costumes.

The pattern I used is the same as for the Winter Solder sweater I made a while ago. That can be found here.


  • 2 skeins of black yarn
  • Bright or light blue (I used periwinkle)
  • Size 6 or 7 knitting needles
  • Size 8 knitting needles
  • Measuring tape
  • Stitch holders

Start off the back by following the pattern with cast on. I used size 6 knitting needles because I don’t know where my size 7s are. Work the ribbing on the smaller set of needles. The pattern calls to do stripes, but works just as well with 1 color.

Then switch to size 8s. It helps to have long needles to hold all the stitches.

Once it starts getting long keep an eye on the length of the back, and later the front

In this picture of the front, I think I went over the 16. Keep measurements with in a close range. Problems could occur later with sewing up the sides if one is way longer then the other.

Here is the back completed. Make sure you have a stitch holder to place the rest of the stitches on.  I used the back to measure out how the front will work with the Nightwing emblem.

Make sure what ever blue yarn you will be using goes well with your black.

Here is the start of the Nightwing emblem. Since it is copy write I will not give out the chart I used. However, on StitchFiddle you can use what ever picture you want to make a knitting chart.

Continue working the emblem using Fairs Isle techniques. The pattern will be on both the right and wrong sides.

Make sure all the stitches are even and the emblem is not getting pulled together too much. This does become a problem the father you go. Don’t forget to work the arm shaping while working the emblem.

I love how it comes together the longer it gets.

Make sure the sweater doesn’t become too scrunched at this stage. Here you can see the emblem taking a more recognizable form.

This is the wrong side of the front of the sweater.

And here it is. This is the front. I love how it looks. The blue really pops against the black.

I went a head and joined the back and front and knitted the collar.

Arms are yet to come. I am working on a Ray sweater that I shall share as soon as I finish it.

Categories: DCKnit