So after a while of being bombarded with other projects I finally made time to finish the 221b journal.

Here is how I finished it. If you want to make one yourself check out this post.


  • Everything from my last 221 post
  • Elmers glue
  • Printed 221B wall paper, or paper of your choice (make sure you have 2 pages)

Print out your cover pages and trim them to the size of your journal. I chose the wall paper from Sherlock. Fold in half to make glueing easier.

Squirt glue along the inside of the front cover.

Place the front cover pager on actual front cover. Place paper over the glued area and close the journal.

Place along the spine edge of the paper block.

Fold the front cover page onto the paper block. Press to glue together.

Do the same to the back cover.

And there you go. Your very own 221B journal to make deductions of your own in.  

Categories: DIYSherlock