I know some time has passed since I posted part 1, but life is busy and I don’t have all the time in the world. Plus it takes a while to finish a shawl. But I was able to finish it.

So after running into not having enough yarn I had to take a short break until my yarn arrived. If you want to see part one click here.


  • Knit Picks Chroma Fingering Yarn in Sand Piper
  • Everything from part 1

This is the shawl before I added Sand Piper. It looks mesmerizing, unfortunately it’s not wide enough to go around my shoulders.

This is Sand Piper, not the best picture though. As part of the Caribbean theme it fits in well. Its a multi color “sand” which is honestly quite pretty. I love the hint of color throughout.

Here is after the first round after joining on Sand Piper. It does make quite a contrast from Weather Vane, but transitions nicely.

Here it is after several rows. Besides the sand color there is a brown and a light blue which fades to an off white.

Here it is in the works. The transition between the dark blue and sand color is looking really nice at this point.

This is most of the shawl, though it’s not done yet.

Here it is being finished off. I love the colors!

It’s done! All I have to do next is block it (tutorial coming soon). End measurements before blocking are a radius of about 24 inches and a diameter of 48 inches. I love this shawl. It’s the perfect edition to a nice dress or folded in half it works as a scarf. For something light it is warm.

 I hope to have more time to diy, crochet, and knit in the next week. Have a Marry Christmas!

Categories: Knit