Finally! It’s here! My cover for the River Song journal. I really had a fun time working on it.

Soon I hope to work more on the pdf pages for the journal, maybe when school dies down a bit, or during finals week.


  • Old book
  • This template
  • An exacto knife
  • A ruler
  • A cutting matt
  • Glue
  • Blue paint and a paintbrush


First print out the template on card stock. Once printed carefully it out along the black lines using an exacto knife and ruler. Don’t throw way the surrounding paper, it will be used later.

Once I cut out one of the covers, I laid it out on the book cover. Next to the uncut part it should look like this:

After laying out how the pieces are going to sit, I started glueing them down with Elmer’s glue. All the while making sure they lay flat on the cover.

Once almost everything is in place, make sure it lines up as best as it can.

I had two pieces that were longer than the book cover. With an exacto knife, I tried to cut them off straight.

I can’t believe I don’t have any pictures of the painting process! Anyway I glued the center strip of the template to the spine, after I finished placing the parts of the template on the other side. For the spine, make sure to cut out the black lines inside and around the spine. I also trimmed the length to fit the book. Using royal blue acrylic paint, I made sure to get every bit of book cover and glued on template covered. I even used about two coats to get the color I wanted. Let it dry. And that’s it.

I can’t wait until I finish the whole thing. It’s going to be awesome!

Categories: DIYDoctor Who