The Night the Doctors Danced

So at my college they have an end of year concert/ party type event. Note: my college is not like other schools and no alcohol was involved. Though the theme was golden, I decided to dress up as a female 11th doctor. I had the suspenders, bow tie, and quirky nature of the doctor down on top of the basic white shirt and black skirt. I even straitened my crazy curls and gave myself some cheekbones with a little bit of contouring. Feeling very much like 11, I went to the concert with friends and really enjoyed it.

We decided to go to the after party, which had food as well as dancing. Arriving there right after the concert and too early, it was decided that we sit down and wait for the doors to open. Keeping an eye on the door to look for other friends, I noticed a guy dressed up as the 10th doctor. I had seen him earlier before the concert began, but went unnoticed. Completely in character, I ran up to him and in my best British accent explained to him that I was him from the future, and that Amy was in the TARDIS with my sonic screwdriver. Replying in character he said that he could see some “Void stuff” (he was wearing 3D glasses). Shouting “Alonse-y” and “Geronimo” we ran across the lobby outside the cafeteria and into a hallway. Walking out like we had just saved the day from Cybermen, or some other threat to Earth, we were stopped by a guy asking for a picture. We posed like 10 and 11 would for a picture. My friend was also able to get a picture of us both.  Going our separate ways we waited for the after party to start.

Soon the doors opened and all the students who were waiting went in. Some went straight to dancing, others, like myself, went for the food. After finishing my snack and glass of water, I danced some with my roommate and her friend. Making up my mind and waiting for the right moment, I decided to go up to 10 and ask him to dance. After a bit of awkward waiting, I was able to say above the music “If the world doesn’t end when the doctor dances, why should it when two dance?”  Honestly, why not, 11 is older then 10.

Insisting he couldn’t dance and the world may end if he did, 10 finally decided that the world wouldn’t end. For a while we danced, hopping up and down, doing 11’s giraffe dance, and generally moving to the beat. As the room started to fill up and grow warmer, we decided to take a break from dancing and get some water. We drank our fill and cooled down a bit while holding a hard to hear conversation. After we were finished, we went back and danced a bit more. With the room loud and quite warm soon after our break, we decided to step outside and cool down. Walking outside we were able to stand in the cool night air. From there we talked about Doctor Who, our impression of 12, Moffat, Sherlock, our majors and everything about our school year, where we were from, Marvel, a bit of DC, and more.  

With it being almost 11pm, my roommate was going to bed and he had a test to take. Like the gentleman 10 was, he walked me back to my dorm, which was quite far from his. Outside my dorm building, we said goodbye and ended in a very Whovian note. He said he was glad that his future was safe and we bid good night.

That encounter with 10 was the highlight of that week, especially because I was able to be 11. And that was the night a par-o-docs danced.