Have you ever been Loki‘d before? Well for all the low-key Loki lovers out there this is the shawl for you.

It’s crazy to admit that I was Loki‘d into making this shawl. Well, not totally. I found the pattern and really wanted to do it superhero style. I had some options: Flash, Superman, Iron Man, Loki, Hawkeye and others I don’t remember. I narrowed it down to Flash, Loki and Hawkeye. For the Flash I would have used dark and bright red, but I figured out that most of the dark red I was thinking of had been used up between a giant stuffed octopus and an almost 9 foot One Ring scarf, so that was out of the picture. For Hawkeye, I didn’t have enough time to go searching through my masses of yarn to find the right purples. So Loki it was. The day came for my 3 day trip across the country, and I left my needles in an inaccessible place. I had planned on starting it right after my Winter Soldier Beanie (found here), but the Captain America Beanie just came first (here). Thankfully those two projects took a very short amount of time.

If you want to make your own Loki shawl here is the pattern.


  1. Size 8 straight needles
  2. Size 8 round needles
  3. 2 skeins Forest Green (I used Red Heart)
  4. 2 skeins Black
  5. 1 skein Bright Yellow
  6. 1 yarn needle or crochet hook for weaving in ends

Basically follow the pattern when it comes to the body and how the colors are patterned out.

When the shawl starts getting wider switch from the straight needles to the round ones. This makes it easier to keep all the stitches in order.

For the first wing I was running out of yellow so I alternated between green and black for 8 sets of 20 rows.

I used the straight needles for the wings, because it was easier to knit it separate from the body. If you have any way to track rows, like an app, it helps to remind you what color you are on and how many more rows until the next color. All together there should be 180 rows.

And that is as far as I was able to get. I’m very low on the forest green, so once I’m able to make a Walmart or Joann’s run I shall get back on my Loki shawl. I can’t wait to see what it’s like when it’s done.

Have a fun time creating this shawl, hopefully I’ll be able to finish it soon.

Categories: KnitMarvel