Smaug loves his gold. And here I’m going to show you how I painted his cave. If you want to see how I made the cave click here.

To begin with, my dad sprayed the cave with the texture used on ceilings. Though he ran out after doing part of the outside, it still looked more cave like.

This is what I looked when it was all dry. Now for the primer.

With the primer, I was able to pant the whole thing in a few hours. I used a paint brush for the primer  because it came in a paint can. I don’t know if you can spray on primer, but painting it on didn’t take too long.

My first layer of grey! I used a darker, blue based grey spray paint. At first I hated how the white primer stood out. If you are going to do this, make sure you do it outside!. I ended up with my back to the wind to keep the fumes from building up. If you can’t paint it outside, make sure you have a mask.

Don’t forget to get the underside of the cave.

So I kinda started on the ground part of the cave, but realized that that was going to be gold, not grey. I could have really used that paint for the rest of the cave, but oh well.

Second round of grey paint. The can I was using was slowly being used up. By the time I finished, it was mostly empty.

Now for the black. I used black to add depth, to make it more cave like. If you are doing this, make sure that the spray can doesn’t leak. I just sprayed randomly for effect.

Gold! What is Smaug’s cave without gold. So I actually did this before some of the black. I don’t know if that was the easies thing to do, but it worked.

Now it’s finished! Done! The cave is now a perfect blend of grey with white highlights, black shadows, and a golden river for a floor.

I just added Smaug, some gold painted stones, and random gems to the cave. Doesn’t he look like he lives there?

Smaug does love his gold and glitter. This was such a fun project, just time consuming.

Categories: DIYLOTR